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  • It increases the immune response and the body’s resistance
  • Its unique and complex formula has fast action in correcting nutritional imbalances, especially in periods with less available nectar/pollen.
  • It calms the stress generated by transport/moving.
  • Increases the number of eggs and their viability
  • Restores and strengthens the colony’s health and defense capacity
  • Increases hive productivity
  • No side effects!
  • Packaging: Bottle 150 ml


  • يزيد من الاستجابة المناعية ومقاومة الجسم
  • تتميز تركيبته الفريدة والمعقدة بمفعول سريع في تصحيح الاختلالات الغذائية، خاصة في الفترات التي يقل فيها الرحيق/حبوب اللقاح.
  • إنه يهدئ التوتر الناتج عن النقل/التحرك.
  • يزيد من عدد البيض وقدرته على البقاء
  • يستعيد ويقوي القدرة الصحية والدفاعية للمستعمرة
  • يزيد من إنتاجية الخلية
  • لا آثار جانبية!
  • التعبئة والتغليف: زجاجة 150 مل



Natural nutritional supplement with immune stimulating, hepatoprotective and antiviral properties.

Indicated in all situations where immunodeficiency is present.

  • Target species: bees

Mode of administration:

It is applied in sugar syrup 1.5 ml/ 1L syrup

The correct dosage and administration period depend on the individual needs of the animal and will be established by a veterinarian.

Ingredients g/150 ml:

Glucosamine 3g, Maltodextrin 0.15g, Arginine 3g, Monoammonium Glycyrrhizinate 0.15g, Glycine 1.5g, Ascorbic Acid 0.09g, Folic Acid 0.0003g, Pyridoxal 0.003g, Calcium Pantotrenate 0.009g, Cyanocobalamin 1.5ug, Malic Acid 3g, Zinc Sulphate 0.0225g, Potassium sorbate 0.3g, Sodium benzoate 0.3g, Water ad 150ml


  • It increases the immune response and the body’s resistance
  • Its unique and complex formula has fast action in correcting nutritional imbalances, especially in periods with less available nectar/pollen.
  • It calms the stress generated by transport/moving.
  • Increases the number of eggs and their viability
  • Restores and strengthens the colony’s health and defense capacity
  • Increases hive productivity
  • No side effects!
  • Packaging: Bottle 150 ml

Storage conditions:

Store in a place protected from moisture and direct exposure to the sun, at temperatures up to 25°C.

CAREFUL! For veterinary use only! Keep out of reach of children! Follow the instructions on the packaging. Contact the veterinarian before using or prolonging the use of this product, because changes in dosage or method of use may occur depending on the individual symptoms of the animal.

THE PRODUCT HAS BEEN TESTED with excellent results in the Cuban Bee Health Reference Laboratory (LARISA).

Our pets deserve all the love we can give them.

Healthy animals cared for with VIUSID APIS 150 ML

Weight1,5 kg


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