Welcome to Natural Honey of Lebanon Team,
“Reports and research from numerous sources reveal that the closer we are to nature the happier, healthier and longer we live.” when we speak about Natural Honey of Lebanon we mean 100% natural or raw honey, honey that is unprocessed, unpasteurised and straight from the beehive. We have multi apiaries in Lebanon Beqaa district in many locations our target to provide the best honey quality in Lebanon that we extracted once a year in September – October and other beehive products.
It all started with a box of bees and a buzz!…
Beekeeping Targets
Save The Bees
Bees are the front lines in the battle against climate change. That’s why we should save the bees.
Bees also help to pollinate the majority of the planet’s wild plants, which support healthy ecosystems
World Without Bees
Albert Einstein says: “If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live.
What a happiness News of Natural honey of Lebanon:
– Natural Honey of Lebanon announce about releasing honey vinegar in stock “limited quantity hurry up”.
– Natural Honey of Lebanon will collaborate with fresh organic mushroom for your orders please contact us.
– Propolis pills are available now you can order over our e-shop.
– Breeding Queen (Buckfast F1 – Carnica F1) will be lunched soon please reserve before 27 Feb 2024. Rsvp will be lunched soon in shop Page.
– Spring Pollen will be available soon in stock (loading…).
World Bee News:
– Australian scientists say the venom from honeybees has been found to destroy aggressive breast cancer cells in a lab setting. The venom – and a compound in it called melittin – were used against two cancer types which are hard to treat: triple-negative and HER2-enriched.
In Brief
We would love to hear your feedback! Please leave us a review and let us know what you think about our natural honey and your experience with our website.